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    HomePsychology16 Personality Types You MUST Know (Number 13 Might Be You)!

    16 Personality Types You MUST Know (Number 13 Might Be You)!

    Knowing who you’re dealing with allows you to tailor your behavior for the desired outcome. To understand people, you need to know 16 personality types. There are 16 personality types in total, according to The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types.

    I’ll share them all with you below, along with key details about each, so you can identify people’s personalities around you in just a few seconds of conversation. Keep reading.

    16 Personality Types You Must Know

    Number 1: The Inspector (ISTJ Personality)

    Individuals with the ISTJ personality type exude a sense of seriousness, propriety, and formality, often presenting an aura that might come across as intimidating. Rooted in culture and with a strong affinity for tradition, ISTJs are known for their reserved and composed demeanor. The moniker “Examiner” befits them due to their meticulous attention to detail, showcasing their commitment to rule-following and a logical approach to achieving goals and completing projects.

    The dominant cognitive function shaping their worldview is introverted sensing, enabling them to absorb and process intricate details from their surroundings. Complementing this, the auxiliary cognitive function of extraverted thinking empowers them as efficient and rational thinkers, adept at making sound decisions.

    In interpersonal relationships, ISTJs exhibit unwavering loyalty to their close-knit circle of friends and family. Their preference is for a smaller, more intimate social circle, in which they invest their time and energy. Proficient in roles demanding structure, logic, and stability, ISTJs find their stride in professions that align with these traits.

    Number 2: The Counselor/ Adviser (INFJ Personality)

    INFJs stand out as visionaries, possessing a unique perspective on the world. Their love for introspection sets them apart, as they refuse to accept things at face value. Often deemed unconventional by others due to their distinct outlook on life, INFJs are idealists with a penchant for unraveling complex issues. Displaying reserved leadership qualities, they frequently find themselves drawn to creative pursuits, easily captivated and inspired.

    Referred to as diplomats, INFJs prioritize collaboration within their teams over conflict.

    The dominant cognitive function shaping the worldview of an INFJ is introverted intuition, allowing them to concentrate on internal insights that significantly impact their decision-making process. Complementing this, their tertiary cognitive function, extraverted feeling, contributes to their heightened sensitivity towards the emotions of others, earning them the label of being empathetic.

    Thriving in roles demanding compassion, psychology, and collaboration, INFJs find fulfillment in professions that require a delicate balance of these attributes.

    Number 3: The Mastermind/Architect (INTJ Type)

    INTJs, as introverts, find comfort in solitude and often choose to spend time alone to recharge, avoiding excessive socializing as it depletes their energy. Renowned for their adeptness in crafting intricate plans and strategies, individuals with this personality type exhibit analytical problem-solving skills that showcase strategic thinking and innovation.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, and introverted intuition, INTJs excel at reading between the lines and discerning underlying patterns. Complementing this, their auxiliary function, extraverted thinking, instills a deliberative approach to problem-solving, characterized by a high degree of organization.

    Referred to as architects, INTJs flourish in roles that demand logical systems and innovative solutions, often opting for independent work environments. In relationships, they prove to be loyal partners, offering strong support and encouragement to their significant others.

    Number 4: The Giver/ Nurturer (ENFJ Type)

    ENFJs are individuals with a strong focus on people, placing them at the center of their attention. Guided by intuition and emotions, they often navigate life through their vivid imaginations, leaning towards abstract concepts and future possibilities.

    Known for their profound empathy, ENFJs extend their compassion not only to close friends and family but to humanity at large.

    Seeking feedback and aiming to please others, ENFJs can be aptly described as individuals who find fulfillment in making those around them happy.

    Their dominant cognitive function, extraverted feeling, facilitates a deep connection with the emotions of others. Complementing this, the auxiliary function of introverted intuition directs their focus toward future possibilities rather than dwelling solely in the present moment.

    Thriving in roles that allow them to encourage and inspire growth in others, ENFJs find fulfillment in humanitarian-focused jobs. In relationships, they exhibit unwavering support and a genuine willingness to understand their partners.

    Number 5: The Craftsman/The Artisan (ISTP Type)

    ISTPs are a group of individuals characterized by their enigmatic, rational, and exceptionally logical nature. Their spontaneity and unpredictability often make them a mystery to those around them, as they expertly conceal their true selves.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, introverted thinking, ISTPs center their attention on the logical aspects of any situation. Complementing this, their auxiliary cognitive function, extraverted sensing, enables them to focus on abstract elements, adding to their dynamic and versatile nature.

    Thriving in roles demanding technical expertise and physical activity, ISTPs find satisfaction in jobs that allow them to apply their skills hands-on. In relationships, they present as composed partners who take pleasure in being resourceful and adept at handling practical tasks around the house.

    Number 6: The Provider (ESFJ Type)

    ESFJs are often characterized as outgoing individuals, embodying the role of cheerleaders who uplift the spirits of those around them, leading to their widespread popularity. Their inherently warm and likable nature makes it easy for people to connect with them.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, extroverted feeling, ESFJs are inclined to work and make decisions based on their intuitive gut feelings. Complementing this, their auxiliary cognitive function, introverted sensing, directs their attention towards the present, emphasizing a focus on concrete details rather than abstract concepts or future considerations.

    Finding their stride in roles that demand structured processes and strong interpersonal skills, ESFJs excel in professions where connection and collaboration are paramount. In relationships, they take on the role of traditional partners, valuing structure and stability as key elements in their approach to building and maintaining a solid foundation.

    Number 7: The Idealist / The Dreamer (INFP Type)

    INFPs typically exhibit reserved and introverted qualities, often finding solace in moments of solitude within serene environments. They possess a penchant for analyzing signs and symbols, utilizing them to make insightful inferences about the world around them.

    Driven by their dominant cognitive function, introverted feelings, INFPs excel at processing emotions internally, providing a rich emotional landscape for self-reflection. Complementing this, their auxiliary cognitive function, extraverted intuition, allows them to focus on the broader picture through imaginative exploration.

    Thriving in professions that align with their visions and personal interests, INFPs are drawn to roles that resonate with their goals and passions. In relationships, they take a deliberate approach in selecting friends, valuing the importance of compromise as they navigate the complexities of interpersonal connections.

    Number 8: The Performer (ESFP)

    ESFPs are commonly recognized as natural entertainers who thrive in the limelight. They revel in being the center of attention and take pleasure in exploring and sharing their acquired knowledge with others, showcasing their strong interpersonal skills.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, extraverted sensing, ESFPs are grounded in facts rather than abstract ideas. Complementing this, their auxiliary cognitive function, introverted feeling, plays a pivotal role in their decision-making process.

    Finding their stride in dynamic work environments that allow for spontaneity, frequent movement, and the expression of artistic values, ESFPs gravitate towards professions that align with these qualities. In relationships, they prioritize their family and loved ones above all else, though they may strongly resist a structured and rigid lifestyle.

    Number 9: The Champion/ The Visionary (ENFP Type)

    ENFPs embody a strong sense of individualism, resisting conformity and refusing to confine their lives within the constraints of convention. They are driven to forge their unique methods of navigating the world, operating with a foundation of feelings and demonstrating a keen perception and thoughtfulness.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, and extraverted intuition, ENFPs direct their focus towards abstract thoughts and patterns. Complementing this, their auxiliary cognitive function, introverted feelings, steer their attention inward, prioritizing their emotions over strict logic.

    In relationships, the ENFP is consistently expressive, openly sharing affection with their partners. Thriving in professions that demand creativity and imaginative solutions, they excel in roles that allow them to explore their innovative potential.

    Number 10: The Doer (ESTP)

    Driven by an innate desire for social interaction, ESTPs are fascinated by abstracts and theories, characterized by their spontaneity and a fearless attitude towards taking risks. Unafraid of making mistakes, they navigate challenges on the fly, adapting as they go.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, extraverted sensing, ESTPs are inherently action-oriented, embracing a hands-on and experiential approach. Complementing this, their auxiliary cognitive function, introverted thinking, endows them with high discipline and acute observational skills.

    Thriving in professions that demand mechanical skills, adaptability, and a touch of unpredictability, ESTPs find fulfillment in career paths that align with these attributes. In relationships, they bring a sense of adventure, preferring engaging activities with their loved ones.

    Number 11: The Supervisor/ The Director (ESTJ)

    Guided by a strong sense of organization and a commitment to what is deemed socially acceptable, ESTJs epitomize the model individual dedicated to doing what is “good” and “right.” They find fulfillment in being of assistance and take pride in contributing positively to their surroundings.

    Rooted in their dominant cognitive function, extraverted thinking, ESTJs exhibit a practical and pragmatic approach compared to other personality types. Complementing this, their auxiliary cognitive function, introverted sensing, enhances their attention to detail and inclination towards stability.

    In professional settings, ESTJs thrive in management positions where they can oversee operations and establish structures. In relationships, they embrace routines, creating a sense of dependability that assures their loved ones they can be relied upon for any support or assistance.

    Number 12: The Commander / The Strategist (ENTJ)

    ENTJs channel their energy into approaching situations with rationality and logic. Innately possessing leadership qualities, they naturally command respect and derive satisfaction from being in charge. Challenges are viewed as opportunities to prove themselves and showcase their capabilities.

    Governed by their dominant cognitive function, extraverted thinking, ENTJs are deliberate in their approach to issuing orders and making judgments. Complementing this, their auxiliary function, introverted intuition, encourages them to trust their instincts during decision-making processes.

    Thriving in roles that involve complexity and require the formulation of clear strategies for achieving goals, ENTJs excel in environments that demand strategic thinking. In relationships, they may set high expectations for their loved ones and exhibit occasional assertiveness.

    Number 13: The Thinker / The Visionary Analyst (INTP Type)

    Known for their brilliant ideas and innovative propositions, INTPs possess an innate ability to discern patterns and quickly identify elements that stand out. Their focus revolves around discovering environments that can nurture and harness their creative genius.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, introverted thinking, INTPs are characterized by their profound understanding and depth of thought. Complementing this, their auxiliary function, extraverted intuition, fuels their imagination and serves as a source of inspiration.

    In professional settings, INTPs thrive in environments that prioritize creativity over tradition. They gravitate towards flexible and independent work styles, where their innovative ideas can flourish. In relationships, they embrace an unconventional and autonomous approach, valuing their independence while fostering connections based on shared intellectual pursuits.

    Number 14: The Nurturer / The Nurturing Guardian (ISFJ Type)

    ISFJs exemplify a spirit of generosity, always prepared to contribute to the welfare of society. Warm and kind-hearted, they possess a keen awareness and a considerate nature, striving to bring out the best in those around them.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, introverted sensing, ISFJs exhibit a high level of detail-oriented thinking. Complementing this, their auxiliary function, extraverted feeling, contributes to their nurturing and considerate demeanor.

    Finding their stride in roles that demand structure and operate behind the scenes, ISFJs excel in professions where their meticulous attention to detail is valued. In relationships, they express unconditional care for their loved ones, taking on the role of a dedicated and nurturing caretaker.

    Number 15: The Visionary / The Innovative Explorer (ENTP Type)

    ENTPs, despite being extroverts, find little joy in engaging in small talk. These personalities, known for their rarity, adopt a logical and rational approach to discussions and arguments. Possessing a wealth of knowledge, ENTPs crave constant stimulation to fuel their curious minds.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, and extroverted intuition, ENTPs remain consistently open to exploring new ideas and possibilities. Complementing this, their auxiliary function, introverted thinking, contributes to their logical thought process.

    Thriving in roles that blend creativity with challenges, ENTPs excel in professions that require innovative problem-solving. In relationships, they bring spontaneity and excitement, injecting a sense of adventure into their interactions.

    Number 16: The Composer / The Expressive Adventurer (ISFP Type)

    ISFPs is one of the 16 personality types that may appear introverted on the surface, but beneath that exterior lies warmth and friendliness. Renowned for their spontaneity and enjoyable company, they are always eager to explore new things and embrace novel experiences.

    Guided by their dominant cognitive function, and introverted feeling, ISFPs emanate a caring nature. Complementing this, their auxiliary function, extraverted sensing, enables them to appreciate and connect with works of art.

    ISFPs thrive when working independently, away from the spotlight, reveling in the freedom to express their creativity. In relationships, they are accommodating and easygoing, fostering an atmosphere of comfort and flexibility.

    Illuminate the depths of your personality with Myers-Briggs tests available for free on 5 different sites. Explore the nuances of your character that may be waiting to be discovered.

    These 5 are my favorite tools to check if you have one of the 16 personality types. Test them and then tell me what you think!

    Rooted in Carl Gustav Jung’s exploration of psychological traits, this test delves into five overarching aspects of personality: mind, energy, nature, tactics, and identity. With over 126 million completions, 16 Personalities are accessible in 30 languages, offering a comprehensive understanding of diverse personality profiles.

    Discover insights into your emotional intelligence, creativity, imagination, social skills, and work style, encompassing organizational and management preferences with Test Color.

    Experience a test that presents 20 pictures, prompting you to identify the facial expressions on each person’s face. This insightful assessment helps gauge your ability to understand others’ emotions, a crucial skill for evaluating and addressing conflicts effectively.

    Tailored for clinical assessment, this test employs emotional measurements akin to those used by mental health professionals to diagnose social impairment. Consisting of a 60-item questionnaire, it effectively gauges “temperamental empathy” in adults.

    Engage in a brief 10-question quiz on VeryWellMind, generating quick results about 16 personality types. While not medically or scientifically validated, the platform provides additional articles based on your score.

    However, the adventure doesn’t end here! On our website, you’ll find a diverse range of captivating articles and tests that will continue to guide you in uncovering unique facets of personality and personal development. What’s your favorite article from our website? Tell me in the comments below!

    Gabriela Luigia
    Gabriela Luigia
    Gabriela Luigia Sterie is Editor in Chief at Gherf. She's a researcher and her focus areas encompass digital marketing, social media, fake news, branding, consumer behavior and user behavior. Her research has been published in emerging journals. Moreover, she obtained a scientific research grant in the fake news sharing studying area. Her passion for research developed from her passion for writing. She is a copywriter and content writer with over 5 years of experience.


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